Thursday, August 7, 2008

Day 2

Hi everyone...Dallas had a pretty good day today - he's hanging in, being tough, and staying off pain killers. I just landed in the door and it's after 10:00 PM so this cookie is ready to hit the pillow. Thanks for all the emails, blog comments, phone messages and ongoing support. You are really getting me through these rough patches - I'm just sorry that I'm being such a poor social secretary. Thanks to all of our family and friends who visited and helped me with the entertainment portion of Dallas's recovery - you are WONDERFUL!

The doctor may keep Dallas in the hospital a couple of more days which was the toughest thing for him to hear today. The hospital room situation is a bit of a "goat rodeo" - Dallas's term not mine! Last night was busy as two of the surgery cases in Dallas's room are the result of bar brawls so as you can imagine it is not the most peaceful setting. I'm hoping to get Dallas home tomorrow just so he can catch some sleep - now we just have to get the doctor on side...

Many of you have been asking me about chemo and radiation. The doctor says he will be able to tell us more once the pathology is back in two weeks time. He did tell me to prepare Dallas for radiation - no stone left unturned with this guy and that's a good thing, I think. We have a follow-up appointment with the Cancer Clinic at the end of August and from what I understand, they will develop a treatment plan then - so I'll keep you posted.

Good night, take care and thank you, thank you, thank you! xxoo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like everything is going pretty much as expected. We are all thinking of you guys and praying for the best. Glad to see that "Big D" wants to get his butt out of the hospital. That is a good sign.

Thanks for keeping us all up to date.


Darrell and Cindy