Saturday, November 28, 2009


We're so relieved that Dallas was approved for herceptin treatment so the stress of waiting for cancer agency approval is gone! It was like a very heavy weight was lifted off our shoulders when we received the news. The deal is that as long as Dallas continues to feel well on herceptin he'll receive the drug. Finally!!!

The Big Guy continues to amaze me. This week was a tough one for him (a double whammy with his last chemo treatment as well as his regular bone strengthening infusion) so of course he felt compelled to powerwash the moss off the driveway. Our driveway is exposed aggregate so the moss loves to cling to it - one of the few west coast disadvantages. He's also been refinishing a vintage dresser that we purchased and managed to go fishing one day this week. Today he's finally crashing.

Thanks so much for your blog comments, emails and calls. Your support continues to inspire and strengthen us. More later...

Patty & the Big Guy

Friday, November 20, 2009


Hi everyone! We've recently enjoyed visits from Sharon and Ed Wiens as well as a weekend with Brian Schaal. It was great to catch up with them but unfortunate that the weather didn't cooperate. Dallas has been itching to get out on the Cinnamon Girl before the halibut season closes but it's just been too miserable. Oh well - no shovelling required yet - just good rain gear!

Yesterday Dallas had a MUGA scan which is a test that measures the strength of his heart (one of the prerequisites for his next phase of treatment with herceptin). Once again he's glowing from the nuclear tracer that they inject him with so we'll be sure to stay away from airport security for awhile. We have our fingers crossed that he's passed the scan with flying colours and will be approved for hercepting treatment by the cancer agency board - always a nerve wracking time for us. Dallas's next round of chemo is on Wednesday so we'll try to keep busy with projects around the house until then.

Thanks as always for your support! More later...

Love, Patty & the Big Guy

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Thanks again for helping us through a tough week! As usual we got by with a LOT of help from our friends and family - special thanks to Bev for being chauffeur, personal shopper and chicken soup chef!

Tuesday was my surgery day and I woke up through my drugged haze to see Dallas's face smiling at me! He was joined by Peggy and then Steve. Marcus and Heather filled in the dinner hour so the first day went by incredibly fast. The next day I was home by noon (yeah! early dismissal for good behaviour!) warming up the sofa.

Dallas has had a challenging week. Not only did he stubbornly drive himself back and forth to chemotherapy but he also received both flu shots. It was especially hard for me because I've been there for every treatment, poke and prod he's had so far. Sitting on the sidelines this time was so difficult!! Thankfully, by late afternoon he was back in his lazy boy chair resting and letting the chemo drugs do their thing.

It's been a great week for both of us to recover - most of the time the rain has been in a constant downpour. Today the sun is finally shining so we'll probably get over our cocooning phase and drive into town for rations. Thanks again for your support, calls, emails, flowers and other goodies and of course those wonderful blog comments which cheer us on! You're awesome! More later...

Love, Patty

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Here We Go Again!

Hi Everyone,
We thought we'd show you a recent pic with Dallas's new 'do! He's getting ready to start round 5 of chemo this week so even though his hair has started to grow back, more will probably come out before the end of round 6 at the end of the month. After that he won't be cutting or shaving it for a LONG time. More later...
Love, Patty
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