Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day 2

Grocery shopping and life can change so quickly! Five weeks ago when I brought Dallas home from the hospital after the surgery he was on a ZERO fat diet. I spent an extra hour reading every label before an item went into my grocery basket. Today, after seeing the dietitian at the cancer clinic I had orders to fill Dallas up with every high fat/high calorie item I could find! This is because the radiation treatment have a cumulative effect. Dallas's throat will narrow and become sore again. Eating will become a challenge and smoothies will be our friend. Every day at the Cancer Clinic Dallas is weighed in - just like at weight watchers. Unfortunately, every pound he loses now gets him closer to the dreaded feeding tube which we want to avoid. Thankfully, the dietitian just mentioned it in passing as a "we'll cross that bridge when we come to it" scenario.

Chemo and radiation went fine again today but we're told the weekend might not be much fun. One step at a time....

Love, Patty


Bev said...

Hi Patty & Dallas:
I have a soup recipe that I have made for everyone I know who is going through chemo. It seems to help with nutrition and to keep their blood count in the right range. It also goes down easily adn tastes good! Let me know if you want me to make some or if you want the recipe.

Patty said...

Thanks, Bev. If you could email me the recipe that would be great.