Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Its Go Time

Back in the chemo room starting today. I get the herceptin today followed by the other chemo drugs tomorrow. If I don't have any reaction to these drugs I will get them the same time in 3 week cycles. I have my game face on for this round of treatment and all your thoughts and well wishes will be with me. Keep praying, posting, calling, emailing, facebooking as we're going into overtime. We are enjoying company this week and Patty will add new pic's soon of our family. Again I will post an update later. Love, Dallas


Anonymous said...

This is the day we've all been waiting for Dallas!! You haven't had any really bad reactions to chemo yet-so you probably won't with this round. Wish we could be there to hold your hand through this- but, you are going to have to make do with lots of positive thoughts and prayers surrounding you. Love you lots, Anne and Brian

Evelyn said...

Terrific metaphor Dallas - you haven't lost your creativity! We're with ya all the way and these two fans from Calgary take off tomorrow to see you "in action." You have a lot of good training which will help in rising to this challenge. As in most things - it's anticipating the event that causes the pre-game "butterflies", but once the game begins - you go for the gusto! You have all that we can offer you tomorrow as round #1 begins! Take special care.
Love, Bill and Ev