Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring Cleaning!!

Hi everyone! So yesterday was the annual spring cleaning for the Cinnamon Girl. After she had her mechanical tune up she was moved into the driveway so that the Captain could order his crew around. We were joined by Mom and Dad who helped us wash, scrub and polish every inch of the boat. The Big Guy was in fine form (I think in part because he was playing drill Sergeant!) and when the boat was relaunched last night she was sparkling. The weather continues to be just amazing here so this morning Dallas grabbed a quick breakfast and is now out on the boat fishing. We have a busy week next week and are so EXCITED about Marcus and Heather's wedding. As Dallas said last night, "if it wasn't for the cancer thing our life would would be just perfect, wouldn't it?" - more later....

Love, Patty

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Anonymous said...

There is something about cherry blossoms,daffodils, sunshine, water and a boat. Add in family and a wedding, it dosen't get much better.
Congratulations on the wedding, life and for being the amazing role model.

thinking of you always, jim

Anonymous said...

Just reading up on the updates. So pleased to hear that things are going so well. A wedding is always a happy celebration - do not get tired and take in every minute of it. It goes by so fast. Dallas, you are looking great as does the boat!!!! Thinking of you always - say hello to your mom and dad. Sue - Calgary

Lawrence said...

The guy sounds like Capt. Ahab ! Gotta be tough on the crew to keep things ship shape.

Good on ya Big D.