Wednesday, March 31, 2010


So this is how I know that we're winning this thing. Today Dallas has a double whammy of treatments - herceptin at the cancer clinic in the morning and his bone strengthening IV in the afternoon at another hospital. As soon as we get in the door the Big Guy races to change into his fishing clothes so that he can enjoy a few hours out on the boat. He's throwing the crab trap in as well as fishing for more salmon. The very best therapy for him is catching a few rays on the Cinnamon Girl!

We've had a busy time since the wedding. Our good friends the O'Leary's stayed on for a couple of weeks so we enjoyed another wonderful visit with them. They left this morning and coincidentally, so did Mom & Dad who are heading back to the valley. We hope that Gerry and Velma are able to sell their Invermere home soon so that we have the pleasure of their company here year round - we're really going to miss them!

We're crossing our fingers that the weather holds so that we can spend more days on the boat and plan more evening BBQ's on the water. Life is good. More later...

Love, Patty

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