Thursday, October 23, 2008


As I write this, Dallas is taking a snooze. They said that the effects of chemo and radiation would be cumulative and boy were they right! This week the Big Guy is more tired than he has been since after surgery and he's suffering from some painful burns on his neck - the results of radiation. I'm sure that in a week or two he'll feel a lot better. Even though he wasn't feeling top notch today, we still walked 3 km. He never ceases to amaze me! More later...

Love, Patty


Jan and Dexter said...

Dallas and Patty, we're glad to hear that the treatments are over. The strength shown by both of you through this has been outstanding. We now hope for a very speedy recovery and a quick return to a sense of normal living.
The way you have dealt with this situation will serve as good guidance for any of the rest of us who may face anything similar.
Thank you for allowing us to be with you.
Jan and Dexter

Anonymous said...

Hi Dallas & Patty;I'm writing to you from Nashville, Tenn. We're on the last leg of our journey, & anxious to get settled again. We've been watching your blog & Dallas'progress & now you are both on the road to recovery. Hooray!!!Dallas has been a tower of strength & you have been the cement that kept him strong. Bravo to you both. If you read our blog, you will see the trauma that we endured in NY & how strength & good care got us through it. We'll keep in touch over the winter. Love to you both

Bev said...

Recovery is time to take time for yourselves and give your body time to heal. It seems like you both are on top of this new task. Remember - little steps to a big prize! I think of you both all the time.