Friday, October 3, 2008

The End of Week 3!

We're very happy that week 3 has drawn to a close. It means that we're over the half way mark and Dallas is still doing extremely well with all of his treatment. Today is the first day that he woke up and mentioned a sore throat so although he still ate softer foods, we did finally take out the blender and mix up a smoothie. Our favourite Radiation tech put a positive spin on the sore throat - she said that it meant that the treatment is working. We can't get over all of the wonderful staff at the cancer clinic - they're always there to boost you up when you feel low. Smiles are given out continuously and hugs are available if you need them - what a gifted bunch of people. Have a great weekend...I'll post early next week to let you know how the chemo is going. Thanks as always for being there!

Love, Patty


Anonymous said...

This BLOG has been awesome!_!
Thanks for keeping the info so current for all of us. It's heartening to be "along" with you two
as you travel through recovery.
Have a restful weekend.
Dave and June

Evelyn said...

Way to go guys! You're both incredible troupers through this journey. There's something really lifting about reaching the halfway point - well done!

We've just booked flights to the island mid-November. Will touch base with you off-line about it.

Take care and hope that the next week flies by very, very well!