Monday, December 6, 2010

A Tough Week

Hi Guys...just thought I would give you a quick update on my Big Guy. He's had a tough couple of weeks but is now pulling through in his usual style. Dallas was tired from the radiation treatments and unfortunately picked up a virus or bug which set him back in a major way. Peter ran all the tests and reassured us that Dallas's symptoms were not related to the cancer. Unfortunately, the symptoms were pretty severe and knocked the wind out of Dallas's sails - he's spent the better part of the last week being feverish, nauseous and exhausted. Today is the first day I can honestly say he's getting his colouring and appetite back, thank goodness. Knowing my guy, he'll be out on the boat within the next few days as his energy improves.

We recently enjoyed visits from Calgary friends Ev and Bill as well as Bruce and Assunta from Vernon. Old friends really are the best anti-cancer drug going - thank you all. Bruce set to work right away hanging Christmas lights so we're on track for December 25th. Jordan was able to fly home for the weekend and Marcus visited with puppy Sadie so there was never a dull moment!

Thanks as always for being there. More later...

Love, Patty

1 comment:

Lawrence said...

Big D, you are a champ. There are many more rounds in your fight, but you have the greatest cornerman ( woman ) in the world so you will get through victorious.

I am working 7 days a week so I don't get much time to write, but know this. I think of you every day......LM