Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thank you!

Hi everyone,

As usual thanks for the emails, calls and care packages. Please know that they are very appreciated even if we can't get back to you right now. Dallas and I are both feeling really EXHAUSTED so our return emails and phone calls are few and far between.We both feel very blessed to have so many friends and family who care so much - you are all so amazing.

Dallas has now finished this session of radiation. There were five treatments in which they radiated both sides of his brain. Dallas's headaches are gone (yeah!) but he's disappointed that he will lose his hair again. I think he looks pretty cute in a toque so I don't care but hair loss is important to him. He went to the barber on Saturday and had his hair cut down to a military cut so it won't be such a shock when it falls out.

Dallas took the boat out of the water today so he and his Dad spent the day buffing and polishing it - the Cinnamon Girl looks as good as new. On Wednesday she goes in for servicing and will be relaunched in time for next weekend.

On Tuesday Dallas and I will meet with the oncologists at the cancer clinic to see what the action plan will be. The Big Guy is ready to fight the big fight so we'll see what plan they come up with - more later on that...

Until then we're looking forward to having Jordan home this weekend. We'll also be joined by my brother and his family and hopefully Marcus, Heather and puppy Sadie will be able to make it out a few times. I'm sure that there will be some prawning and crabbing going on - we seem to have more success with this than with fishing right now.

I'll post again as soon as I can - in the meantime, please keep those prayers and positive thoughts coming our way. As always, you carry us through the darkness. More later...


Patty and the Big Guy

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