Sunday, September 19, 2010


Hi everyone,

I'm sure by now you're bored by our updates but I still feel compelled to send them out - just to say thanks! We know that we have a great cheering section out there - thanks so much - it means eveything to us.

My Big Guy continues to do well - he's slowing down on the fishing end of things because fishing has dried up for now. He'll focus on a couple of other projects that we have on the go - we're going to redo the back deck and then the ensuite bathroom really needs a reno. That should keep him busy until Christmas!

Dallas is still on his 3 week herceptin treatment so we're off to the cancer clinic again this week. Next week he'll have his bone strengthening IV treatment and then the schedule begins again. We're so lucky to live in a city now where the medical facilities Dallas needs are readily available. And of course the boating isn't too bad either!

We enjoyed a great visit with our friends the O'Leary's last week - Anne and Brian rented a house that's just down the road from ours. Brian and Dallas logged quite a few hours on the Cinnamon Girl, Anne and I shopped until we dropped and we all enjoyed a dinner over at Genoa Bay.

We're sending big hugs out to all of you! More later....

Patty & the Big Guy


Eveline said...

You guys always manage to keep yourselves very busy with family, friends and "do-overs" the way...I love that picture of the two of you, what a great looking couple. I want to encourage you to keep posting as I often check for updates. Even though I sometimes don't feel like posting a comment I'm still looking so I think that others are probably doing much the same. The family is camping at Goldstream group campsite again for Mike and Sherry's b/day celebrations.....yes...we're nuts but it's an adventure and gives us great family memories. Hope to see you there (October 15th weekend).....hugs to you both!!

Sandy & Fred Clark said...

You BOTH continue to amaze and inspire us all. Fantastic fishing pictures and stories (P - LOVE the goat rodeo analogy, and yes, I just pictured Dallas and his buddy hootin' and hollerin' with their double hook-ups). Dallas you are still as handsome as ever, and love to imagine you enjoying a good therapeutic day of gardening! Patty thanks for your blog - so wonderful to check in and hear your updates. So happy to hear you enjoyed an Alaskan cruise, something we have yet to do. We just love you both so much and continue to pray daily for Dallas' complete and full recovery and healing. xoxox