Sunday, November 8, 2009


Thanks again for helping us through a tough week! As usual we got by with a LOT of help from our friends and family - special thanks to Bev for being chauffeur, personal shopper and chicken soup chef!

Tuesday was my surgery day and I woke up through my drugged haze to see Dallas's face smiling at me! He was joined by Peggy and then Steve. Marcus and Heather filled in the dinner hour so the first day went by incredibly fast. The next day I was home by noon (yeah! early dismissal for good behaviour!) warming up the sofa.

Dallas has had a challenging week. Not only did he stubbornly drive himself back and forth to chemotherapy but he also received both flu shots. It was especially hard for me because I've been there for every treatment, poke and prod he's had so far. Sitting on the sidelines this time was so difficult!! Thankfully, by late afternoon he was back in his lazy boy chair resting and letting the chemo drugs do their thing.

It's been a great week for both of us to recover - most of the time the rain has been in a constant downpour. Today the sun is finally shining so we'll probably get over our cocooning phase and drive into town for rations. Thanks again for your support, calls, emails, flowers and other goodies and of course those wonderful blog comments which cheer us on! You're awesome! More later...

Love, Patty

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