Thursday, September 3, 2009


Cousins Jordan, Emmy and Connor

So we really enjoyed being surrounded by friends and family this week as Dallas began round two of chemo. My brother Ron, his wife Tina, niece Emmy and nephew Connor were there once again to support us and cheer us on. I can't tell you how wonderful it is for me to come home to a gourmet dinner and baked treats and desserts everyday. Tina you are amazing! The long days at the Cancer Clinic really start to wear me down (the Big Guy gets some nice drugs so he sleeps thru most of our time there!) so coming home to a clean house and such wonderful meals is a very special gift.

We also enjoyed a great visit with our friends Anne and Brian O'Leary from Calgary. Everyone did a stellar job of keeping our minds off the upcoming appointment at the clinic. I'm happy to report that Dallas is doing very well - he's out house painting as a write this! The nurses couldn't believe it when they saw the improvement in only three weeks time - things can only get better. He may crash later in the week as his blood counts decrease so he's trying to get his "honey do" list finished before that. After 32 years (today is our anniversary!) there's nothing that I can do to stop him or slow him down for a rest until he's ready... the man is a very stubborn machine!

Jordan is packing up and leaving for Calgary tomorrow morning so I'll be wearing a black arm band for awhile. I'm thankful every day that we have Marcus and Heather so close by - we're very, very lucky! More later...

Love, Patty


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary !!! Here's to 32 more. Great seeing you guys this past week. I'm glad to hear you got a bit of TLC this week, Patty. What a great sister-in-law you have!!Have a great day you two-Love Anne and Brian

the Clark Family said...

Happy Anniversary you two! Congratulations on 32 years and 32 yet ahead of you! So very HAPPY to hear the positive report of the herceptin working for Dallas. He's feeling well enough to paint the house??... geez, that's amazing! Keep up the fight - both of you. So happy to hear you are surrounded by family and friends to lavish you with their special "gifts" during this difficult time. Love to you both,
Fred, Sandy, the Con-Man and Caitlin xoxooxox