Thursday, March 19, 2009

Week One Almost Finished!!!

Hi everyone...thanks again for the support! Dallas is almost through the first week of his treatment and so far so good! He's being monitored very closely and his blood is tested frequently because this is a new trial drug. He also has a few ECG's a week just to check up the ticker which is in tip top shape. These types of cancer blockers are the newest of the new on the war on cancer and the staff here seem pretty stoked about them.

We arrived at our new little suite yesterday afternoon and it's just as cute as in the pictures. We have a lot of pitter patter of many little feet upstairs during the afternoons but that's okay too - they usually zonk out pretty early (I think the owner forgot to tell us that she runs a daycare!). Our phone number here is 604-738-2258 - just in case you're in the area and want to pop by.

Dallas is feeling so well that we plan to go AWOL this weekend and sneak in a quick trip home to Victoria (something about a halibut derby calling his name!). He's supposed to stay in Vancouver but he's feeling so well - being on the ocean is probably the best medicine of all, right? More later...
Love, Patty and The Big Guy


Evelyn said...

Couldn't ask for better news - this is absolutely tremendous! Enjoy the weekend and I wish you "the big one" Dallas! I hope to see Jordan today or tomorrow - have a few "sweets" for him (ie. home made cookies made by my amazing sister!) Take care and as always - look forward to the updates.
Love, Ev & Bill

Anonymous said...

Dallas, EXCELLENT!! I am sure a little Halibut fishing is just the perfect thing to do, little salt air, big fish, warm thoughts. Good news, thanks for the updates.
Love to you. J & J

Bev said...

Fishing therapy may become part of the prescription! You two are so smart. I'm glad things are going well. Patty - let me know if you want coffee or lunch therapy this weekend while the 'Big Guy' goes on the great halibut caper!

neverrestfarm said...

Hi Dallas - hope you caught some fish and enjoyed eating them. As this is the first blog I have used, not sure if it will work. Enjoy the sunshine today and take care - Pearl

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, how was the fishin ? I'll bet it was theraputic. Good on ya!

I finished work and am back in the desert enjoying the heat and my wifes company.

If you heard rumors about the Springs being sold, it is not true. Roger talked to Jim and he said no deal has been made.