Friday, January 23, 2009


Thank you so much for all your calls and emails of support! I hope that you'll forgive me as I update everyone on the blog, instead of individually - it has been an exhausting, roller coaster week...

The good news is that we're formulating a plan. Thanks to a friend in Calgary we have a Plan B. Our friend is an Otolaryngologist (Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist). He had suggested early on that we have Dallas's tumour analyzed for HER-2. I won't get into a lot of detail here because I don't understand the science, but we made the request, and Dallas tested strongly positive for the presence of HER-2. Our friend had found some studies where there has been success with a combination of two drugs in the treatment of Dallas's type of cancer. The combination drug therapy is quite common in the treatment of some other cancers, including breast cancer. Unfortunately, even though these drugs are readily available, the B.C. Cancer Agency does not recognize them as acceptable treatment for Dallas's cancer. For this reason, Dallas had the standard, approved treatment to begin with - even though it was for a different type of salivary gland cancer.

On Thursday we met with Dallas's Oncologist. He finally agreed that the combination drug therapy is our best chance and is he is willing to go to bat for us. He will make a presentation to the cancer board to see if they will make an exception and allow Dallas to be treated with these drugs. If they don't approve the treatment plan we will have to pursue more expensive options. They may make us pay for the drugs but allow us to have them administered in Victoria or we may have to go further afield.

Despite this setback, I am happy to report that Dallas is feeling really well. He is strong and ready for the fight. We'll keep you posted - positive thoughts and prayers are always appreciated! More later...

Love, Patty


Jan and Dexter said...

Dallas and Patty, we thought that you were out of the woods,but it seems you have a little way to go yet. Finding this "HER-2" sounds like real progress.
We continue to wish you both the best progress possible and a swift eradication of this "pest".

Jan and Dexter

Anonymous said...

This news about HER-Z sounds promising and we hope you get past the red tape asap. It must be a bit of a relief to have a better understanding of the diagnosis. We send our love and wish you all the best with your new Plan.
Love Anne and John

Anonymous said...

Big D while I sit out here on the prairie watching the dirt fly I have plenty of time to think. I spend a lot of that time thinking about you. Keep up the fight big fella! Maybe borrow Pres. Obama's slogan " Yes we can "