Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Beginning of Week 3

Hi everyone...thanks as always for all the comments - those positive vibes really help, believe me! As Dallas begins week three he's feeling pretty good. I think he continues to amaze the staff at the cancer clinic - they expect him to feel a lot worse. By all indications he should be flat out by now, but the Big Guy is showing his fighting side! His throat continues to get sorer and swallowing is becoming an issue but he's dealing with it by switching to softer (high fat!) foods. He gained another couple of pounds so everyone is very happy with him - it's like he needs to store up energy for winter. Dallas is also sporting a crooked looking sunburn as they're radiating each side of his face in a different way (they're hitting the left surgery side a lot harder). His physiotherapist is very happy with him as well, so he's scoring A's in all subjects. The staff at the clinic keep warning us that the BIG test will be the last half of his treatment but we're trying to stay positive and are hopeful that he'll surprise them again! More later...

Love, Patty


Anonymous said...

Big D. keep up the good fight, keep eating the soul food. Like they say here in the maritimes "Get er done ! "

I think about you every day.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot . I hope your holiday is going well. I met with my chemo DR today and he was also surprised at how well I am doing after one round of chemo and 14 days of radiation. They are geting me ready for round 2 of chem on monday. Take Care Dallas

Anonymous said...

Keep it up Big D. We won't make it to the coast this fall but are hoping to see you two in Tucson this winter.

Little D and Cindy

Anonymous said...

We have not forwarded a comment in a while but you must know we are reading your blog and following your progress. You are truely blessed and it is so good to hear that you are doing so well. We are heading out to Ontario for a couple of weeks in the middle of this month and after that plan on staying around Invermere for the rest of the winter. Thanks giving should be a good time for you Dallas, cream turkey on toast, pumkin pie, seat patatos, all good and fattening! Wishing you all great health! Mark & Kathy