Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Treatment Day 10

Well we're getting closer to the half way point and Dallas is doing pretty well all things considered. He's still trying to slug down the "soul food diet" ( thanks for that term, Lawrence!) which means fat, fat and more fat stuff! But it's paying off and he's gained back 2 pounds - cause for celebration in our lives right now.

We also had a positive meeting with the radiation oncologist - we haven't had much luck with the docs since this all started so it was a nice change. He was very reassuring and told us not to worry - said "we'll make you better." Those are the kind of hopeful statements that you cling to when you have cancer. I think all the staff at the Cancer Clinic are really surprised at how well Dallas is doing. Of course, we all know how the Big Guy can be pretty stubborn when he puts his mind to it! What I'm noticing is that Dallas is more tired by late afternoon and although he doesn't complain much I know that his throat is getting more sore by the day. I think I'll get the blender ready for smoothies - Dallas is going through lots of frozen yoghurt so I think the icy drinks will feel the best.

We're looking forward to having a visit from friends Bruce and Assunta. They're going to be with us for a few days which is great - Assunta is the Director of Surgery for the Vernon hospital so we'll have some expert care on board! More later....

Love, Patty


Anonymous said...

Hi Patty other than being tired and sore throat, hows the nausea component?

talk soon


Patty said...

Hi Brian - there is no nausea component so that's been good. Take care, Patty

Karin said...

Thinking of you both every day and am happy to hear Dallas is gaining weight and improving.

Hugs, Karin

Anonymous said...

Hey Dallas,
We're thinking of you often. It's great to hear good reports on this Blog. This is the Kokanee Men's Open weekend. Maybe you'll attend next year...
ps Won't it be nice when being tired, having a sore throat and nausea are what you feel after a Boyz Golf Weekend?

Anonymous said...

Hi Dallas and Patty.
Got your blog address from Kathy and Mark. Glad to hear you have some good news. We have been thinking about you two and sending positive wishes.
Invermere is having a beautiful fall finally some clear weather.
I always think of you folks when I am in the old store. I'm sure you never think of the old store!!!Love Jim and Sandra

Patty said...

Welcome Sandra and Jim! Although we don't miss working at the store we miss the people. It was always a real social place for us as you guys know (how many visits did we have over the clothing racks Sandra?). That's what we miss!
Love, Patty & Dallas

Anonymous said...

Hi Patty and Dallas,

Tx for the blog, it's like the radio station, you are appreciated and listened to more than you know.
remember when a day at work was a tough thing and a day off was a good thing? I bet a 180 today would be pretty nice. Hang in there, sounds like you are earning a 9 for effort and results. Remember, those halibut are waiting just for you.

speedy recovery, jim