Friday, September 19, 2008

Week One is Finished!

Dallas and his shadow survived week one of cancer treatment - yippee! This means that the first of two chemotherapy cycles is finished which is great. Dallas will still have to have radiation treatments every day (Monday-Friday) but not having to go to chemo will be a nice rest for him. So far, his side effects have been minimal - he has some stomach upset and looks like he's been out in the sun a bit too long (or that he's a heavy drinker-take your pick!). The redness is caused by the radiation and it will get worse and the skin will become more irritated, but the techs tell us that it will eventually go away. I've noticed that Dallas's energy is starting to wane a bit.This is mostly caused by the chemo - his blood counts will go down over the next week or so as the drugs do their thing. His strength will increase though, and then they'll zap him with more chemo again in about 3 weeks time. Dallas's attitude is very positive - now that the fight has begun he's ready to give it his all.

Thanks so much for all of your kind words, positive thoughts and prayers - it's all helping. Sometimes when you call you may notice that our phone will go to voice mail faster than usual. This is because my patient is taking a nap and I've pushed the "Do Not Disturb" button on the phone. Please don't be offended - the Big Guy just needs his zzzzz's! Your messages are all listened to and appreciated!

Love, Patty

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