Hi there...so after sitting on the edge of our seats for a couple of weeks we received some VERY GOOD NEWS - Dallas's back pain doesn't indicate any change or advancement of the cancer! We spent most of our Monday at the hospital while the Big Guy was scanned and x-rayed from head to toe. Our friend Anne McGilvary was out for a visit and kept us company at the hospital - definitely lightening the stress of the day. When our doctor phoned yesterday to say that everything was normal we were so relieved - the cancer that is present in the bone is behaving itself and nothing needs to change in Dallas's treatment plan. Happy tears were definitely the order of the day - we are so very thankful.
We're counting down the days now until Jordan's visit next week. He'll be working in Calgary this summer and has landed a great job at the Alberta Treasury Branch. He received the job offer a couple of weeks ago and we couldn't be prouder of him. It will be great experience in the finance field and will also count toward the co-op job term portion of his degree. Jordan is in the process of moving out of Res at Mount Royal and into a house with a couple of buddies. Luckily for us, he'll have a bit of time in between to drive to the island for quick visit - yeah!
Dallas had fun out on the Cinnamon Girl this week - he continues to develop his "crabbing" skills and also brought home a 15 pound salmon. Today he's at the floating boat show with Steve and our newlyweds Marcus & Heather. He's always on the lookout for the Cinnamon Girl II - yikes! More later...
Dr. Miller says: no hoisting any fish over 10 lbs, no vacumming, no lawn mowing/raking, no carrying bottles of wine from the liquor store, and a gentle loving back rub from the lovely nurse Patty every night. After a month of this treatment , your back will be fine.
Thanks for the wonderful updates Patty. So happy to hear things are progressing well with his treatments. He looks amazing. Dallas continues to be in our daily thoughts and evening prayers. Love to you both, Fred, Sandy, Conner and Caitlin Clark
Dallas and Patty- We all think about you daiy. You're in our everyday thoughts and prayers. We love you so much and miss both of you! Thank you so much the updates; it's nice to know what's happening up there! God bless. Love, Caitlin
New post coming soon I had a very good day with my Dr yesterday, in for treatment today. Dallas
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