Thursday, January 21, 2010


Hi there,

We haven't posted any updates lately because we've been busy enjoying the sunshine here on the coast. The weather has been great - we're even getting out in the garden (sorry - that was a dig for those of you living out there in the cold!) to begin our spring cleaning routine.

We escaped to Seattle for a few days and had some fun. Dallas followed me around while I shopped till I dropped - he's always such a good sport about that! I was on the search for a dress for the wedding and came back with two possibilities. The Big Guy said his contribution was to purchase a tie that matched my dress which he did in about five minutes flat (maybe he doesn't enjoy shopping as much as I do!).

Dallas has been fishing quite a bit and is having some luck in that department so he's a happy camper. He went out last week with Marcus and Gerry (he says there's nothing like fishing with three generations of Stober men on board and was wishing that Jordan was there too) and they all caught a salmon. Yesterday we were out enjoying the sunshine and he snagged another salmon so that was good. Today he's out again with Marcus and Gerry so here's hoping that they have good luck.

On the cancer front things are okay. I know that Dallas is having more aches and pains than normal but he rarely complains. He has another herceptin treatment next week so hopefully that will help the way it usually does. Despite his increased pain the Big Guy continues to amaze me. I rarely see him without a smile on his face and he has more energy I do. More later...




Anonymous said...

Sounds great! Are you sure you guys don't want some Calgary ice fog?? I'm jealous of all that salmon. Love Anne

Anonymous said...

Hi Dallas and Patty, Sounds great! Are you sure you don't want some Calgary ice fog? I'm jealous of all those salmon! Love Anne

Lawrence said...

Big D leave some fish for the rest of us. Patty keep him " stylin " .Thinking about you from the desert.