Hi everyone...just a quick update. Four days post chemo and things are going as well as can be expected. I thought I would post this picture of Dallas so that you can see how much the swelling has decreased in his face - it's amazing to me! He's experiencing many of the symptoms that the doctors told us to expect - weakness, nerve and joint pain - but is coping very well. Thanks for your support! More later...
Love, Patty
Ok, Dallas is HOT! You look awesome!
When you are up for it, we'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to have you visit us in sunny San Diego. We just finished a basement suite, so you'll have your own space. Just say the word - we'd love to have you!!
I feel a lot better today. Just waiting for the hair to start falling out. Sandy it will be fun to be in San Diego to see your family.
We love you Dallas! Hang in there. (: You look great!
Hey Dallas, what can we say. Everyone here is pulling for you like crazy.
No hair! You'll look even more like that Ice Cream guy.
Keep it going.
Jan & Dexter
Hi you 2. Dallas you look great!!
Stay strong.
Love to both.
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