Friday, July 24, 2009

Another bad week

Hi Everyone - Again thanks for all the calls, emails and I even signed up to facebook so I'm hearing from some of you there! This week was another drag us down week as the swelling started to get really bad in the face area. My regular Doctor called my surgeon, who wanted to admit me to have a gt tube inserted in case it got worse. So far I've have missed out on that fun as the swelling now has moved into my face area and I can still swallow on my own. I have another CT scan today to look at my chest area to see if there is a blockage there that is causing the swelling. They are also going to scan my legs to see if I need any spot radiation there yet. (Spot radiation is very helpful for bone cancer).

We met with a new Dr. on Wed. and he will be our main guy from now on handling all meds, ordering different tests, and coordinating appointments with specialists. The news from the oncologist on Thursday was not good, he said we were denied the herceptin but we are still trying to get it from another angle. Patty and I both want another oncologist because this one was negetive back in September when we first met him. The rest of our doctors keep telling me to stay positive and never give up - this guy is so negative and drags us down. I think a meeting with the top management team at the cancer clinic could be next. More later as I got up at 5am to do this and now I am ready to fall back to bed. Take care Dallas


Anonymous said...

Find another Oncologist immediately as the 'negative'one you're currently dealing with should be in a different profession!

Anonymous said...

the blogs always kind of take my breath a way, I can't imagine what it must be like on your end. By the blog times, looks like sleep is no escape either.
Fighting gives you strength. Thinking of you and if you are up to a visit some time, love to come by.


Anonymous said...

We have just returned from another trip to Kokanee/Balfour etc. and remember fondly our trip many years ago. Reading your latest comments takes us back to the trials our brother-in-law had last year and we understand what you are going through. I think you are right to surround yourself with positive thinking professionals. You deserve the best! We think about all of you every day and hope that your finding some time to rest. Obviously sleep is becoming difficult. If you are up for a visit from a couple of Invermere folk we would also love to drop by for a short visit (we won't stay for a week this time). Mark & Kathy