Hi everyone...we're on a couple of days of R & R in Tofino. It's been so relaxing here just walking along the beach that never seems to end. Dallas has a few weeks of doctor free time so that was cause for celebration! If his PET scan goes well in January then he doesn't have any more checkups until the middle of March. Life is good...
Love, Patty & Dallas
Hi Patty and Dallas, What a great picture-I love it!!! Glad to see you guys got away for a few days- you will be very happy you decided not to come to Calgary-weather went down the toilet. We are heading to Aviara on Friday morning, and memories of you guys there with us will be everywhere. I may as well keep my bra on this time-what do you think Dallas? I figure that will give your other friends reading this blog something to think about-love and miss you guys Anne and Brian
Hi Anne & Brian...Remember when the staff at Aviara ask if you've been serviced today you don't have to say - you don't know me well enough! Have fun!
Love, D & P
Hey Big D., I followed Kent 4 days at Q school, you know the results. he has a lot to learn,mostly the mental aspect. He absolutely crashed and burned during the second round. He was totally negative after that. All of my sage advise could not drag him up. Good experience for him, he now knows he has a long way to go , before he can play with the big dogs.
Keep on truckin !
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