Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Straight Goods

Hi Everyone,
We hope you had a wonderful Christmas - ours was very special. We were surrounded by family and our wonderful sister-in-law Tina took over my kitchen so that I could rest and relax. Imagine having your own personal chef (who provides all the food!) and clean up crew - the best gift ever!
Dallas wanted me to update the blog and let you know that he's not recovering from the last round of radiation the way we'd hoped. He is still spending most of the day sleeping and his appetite hasn't returned. Visits are particularly difficult right now because he is so tired - please excuse us if we put a "temporarily closed" sign on our B & B - we know that you'll understand.
Thank you as always for your love and ongoing support. I'll update the blog again soon. More later...
Patty & the Big Guy

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Hi there,
Dallas and I wanted to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2011!
We are looking forward to a wonderful Christmas with our family. I'm hoping that Dallas will be able to enjoy turkey and all the trimmings by then - he's slowly gaining back his appetite but it has been a real struggle this time. We saw Peter this week and he reassured us that the last few weeks have been difficult for Dallas because of the cranial radiation that he had as well as the cold/flu that he picked up along the way. Right now the Big Guy is resting and sleeping a lot of the day which I take as good sign - his body is healing. Although he's still getting most of his nutrition from boost meal replacement drinks and fruit he is starting to eat more "real" food every day. And of course that smile never leaves his face so I know that things are improving.
We'll also celebrate Marcus's birthday this week - I can't believe that our "baby" will be 28! Yikes - where does the time go?? Jordan will fly home Christmas Eve so we'll have both our boys in the same place again - yeah! Yesterday I enjoyed a great day with Heather - pedicures and lunch - it's so nice to finally have my girl!
Hugs and every best wish for a wonderful Christmas to all of you! More later...
Patty and Dallas

Monday, December 6, 2010

A Tough Week

Hi Guys...just thought I would give you a quick update on my Big Guy. He's had a tough couple of weeks but is now pulling through in his usual style. Dallas was tired from the radiation treatments and unfortunately picked up a virus or bug which set him back in a major way. Peter ran all the tests and reassured us that Dallas's symptoms were not related to the cancer. Unfortunately, the symptoms were pretty severe and knocked the wind out of Dallas's sails - he's spent the better part of the last week being feverish, nauseous and exhausted. Today is the first day I can honestly say he's getting his colouring and appetite back, thank goodness. Knowing my guy, he'll be out on the boat within the next few days as his energy improves.

We recently enjoyed visits from Calgary friends Ev and Bill as well as Bruce and Assunta from Vernon. Old friends really are the best anti-cancer drug going - thank you all. Bruce set to work right away hanging Christmas lights so we're on track for December 25th. Jordan was able to fly home for the weekend and Marcus visited with puppy Sadie so there was never a dull moment!

Thanks as always for being there. More later...

Love, Patty

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Hi Guys,
Thanks so much for all of your support - as usual you walk the walk with us. Dallas had an appointment with our cancer doc (Peter) so I thought I would give you a quick update. First of all, there are two people in my life that can put a positive spin on this terrible disease. The first is my Big Guy and the second is Peter. Peter works with a team of medical staff but he always makes us feel like we are just sitting down for a chat over coffee. Today, as always, he introduced Dallas as a very active guy - so of course that leads to fishing stories like the recent halibut hunt. It is fun to watch and I never leave without being thankful to have been a part of it.
Dallas is doing well. Peter thinks that he's responded to the radiation treatments and that stopping the herceptin hasn't left any negative effects. We'll continue to see Peter every two to three weeks and more often if needed. I know that Peter has a team in place to deal with any problems and that Dallas has that fighting attitude that makes anything possible. It was a good cancer day. More later...
Love, Patty

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fishing Report

Hi everyone,

I am starting to get the energy level back slowly after the radiation treatments. Dad and I fished yesterday with lots of blue sky and calm water. WE had the best thing possible happen as we caught a 33 pound halibut while fishing for salmon. It was the first one my dad has ever seen let alone caught so it was quite the day. The legal season is closed to halis but this one seemed to follow us home. I am slowly getting back to emails and calls so please keep them coming.

Take care,

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Latest News

Thank you so much for all of your support over these past years. We don't know what we would have done without you!
As you have probably already guessed, our news isn't good - but as we always say - if the doctors give us a few months we will somehow work those into years. And that is what we intend to do. For right now we are spending close time with our boys and family, trying to figure out what the next step should be. We plan to live each day that we have left together to the fullest. We're actively pursuing alternative health options (as we have been all along) and are in touch with the Mayo Clinic. We'd like to get an opinion from them to make sure that we've pursued every avenue open to us.
In the meantime, you'll find us in the garden or out on the Cinnamon Girl catching fish or prawns. We'd love to take a trip to Italy together - that was always on our dream list. If we do that we'll probably cruise the Mediterranean because it's just more comfortable for Dallas.
We feel so fortunate in our lives. We've made great friends and have had a love that we know is rare. We have two wonderful boys who have grown into men that we are so very proud of - what more can you ask for in life than that? Please remember that our B & B is always open.
More later...
Patty & Dallas

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thank you!

Hi everyone,

As usual thanks for the emails, calls and care packages. Please know that they are very appreciated even if we can't get back to you right now. Dallas and I are both feeling really EXHAUSTED so our return emails and phone calls are few and far between.We both feel very blessed to have so many friends and family who care so much - you are all so amazing.

Dallas has now finished this session of radiation. There were five treatments in which they radiated both sides of his brain. Dallas's headaches are gone (yeah!) but he's disappointed that he will lose his hair again. I think he looks pretty cute in a toque so I don't care but hair loss is important to him. He went to the barber on Saturday and had his hair cut down to a military cut so it won't be such a shock when it falls out.

Dallas took the boat out of the water today so he and his Dad spent the day buffing and polishing it - the Cinnamon Girl looks as good as new. On Wednesday she goes in for servicing and will be relaunched in time for next weekend.

On Tuesday Dallas and I will meet with the oncologists at the cancer clinic to see what the action plan will be. The Big Guy is ready to fight the big fight so we'll see what plan they come up with - more later on that...

Until then we're looking forward to having Jordan home this weekend. We'll also be joined by my brother and his family and hopefully Marcus, Heather and puppy Sadie will be able to make it out a few times. I'm sure that there will be some prawning and crabbing going on - we seem to have more success with this than with fishing right now.

I'll post again as soon as I can - in the meantime, please keep those prayers and positive thoughts coming our way. As always, you carry us through the darkness. More later...


Patty and the Big Guy

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Hi there…thanks as always for your visits, calls and emails – they are very much appreciated. Many of you may have already heard from us about our latest news (if your email was handy you probably know most of what I'm going to tell you). Unfortunately, this is another one of those blog posts I didn’t think I’d ever have to send out. Dallas’s condition has been worsening over the last month or so – he has been plagued by very intense headaches and other symptoms.

Last week he had both a bone and CT scan of the head and neck so that our doctors could assess the situation. I wish it was good news. Unfortunately, the cancer has spread to his brain and he has many lesions and tumors there (I’m still not sure what the difference is yet). On Wednesday, when we received the news, Dallas was immediately put on a high dose of steroids to start shrinking the inflammation in the tissue surrounding the brain lesions. Yesterday, we were rushed in to see a radiologist and radiation treatments were started immediately. Dallas had his second radiation treatment today and will have three more next week. Of course he’s still smiling and making the best of the situation as only my Dallas can. Tomorrow morning he plans to go fishing and prawning with a buddy of ours – we still need to top up the freezer for visitors this winter!

We can't even begin to express our appreciation to our wonderful pain and symptom physician, Peter Battershill,. As soon as the CT results were in, Peter was developing a treatment plan which will probably include a visit or consultation with Dr. Chia (our oncologist) in Vancouver for further assessment. As usual, my guy is going in fighting - I’ll post a more detailed update on the blog as soon as we know more. In the meantime we’re staying close to home – spending time with our family - making the most of every minute that we have together. Thanks as always for your love, support and encouragement. I’m sorry that phone calls are difficult for both of us right now so if we don’t return your messages right away please don’t take it personally – we love you all. More later….


Patty & The Big Guy xxoo

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Hi everyone,

I'm sure by now you're bored by our updates but I still feel compelled to send them out - just to say thanks! We know that we have a great cheering section out there - thanks so much - it means eveything to us.

My Big Guy continues to do well - he's slowing down on the fishing end of things because fishing has dried up for now. He'll focus on a couple of other projects that we have on the go - we're going to redo the back deck and then the ensuite bathroom really needs a reno. That should keep him busy until Christmas!

Dallas is still on his 3 week herceptin treatment so we're off to the cancer clinic again this week. Next week he'll have his bone strengthening IV treatment and then the schedule begins again. We're so lucky to live in a city now where the medical facilities Dallas needs are readily available. And of course the boating isn't too bad either!

We enjoyed a great visit with our friends the O'Leary's last week - Anne and Brian rented a house that's just down the road from ours. Brian and Dallas logged quite a few hours on the Cinnamon Girl, Anne and I shopped until we dropped and we all enjoyed a dinner over at Genoa Bay.

We're sending big hugs out to all of you! More later....

Patty & the Big Guy

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Birthday Cake for Dallas and Tina

Uncle Dallas with Connor and Emmy on the boat

Hi Everyone!

Can you believe that summer is almost over? It just whizzed by at our house! The last couple of weeks have been really busy - Dallas celebrated his birthday on August 28th. We were joined by Marcus and Heather, Jordan (who flew in from Calgary), our buddy Steve, my brother Ron, his wife Tina and our super niece and nephew Connor and Emily. A lot of hours were logged on the Cinnamon Girl as everyone went fishing and crabbing. I think that a good time was had by all and I've attached a few pictures for you to enjoy. Since Tina's birthday was the week before Dallas's we had a joint cake ceremony.

Thankfully, things remain quiet on the cancer front. Unfortunately, we were reminded on our last visit to the cancer clinic that most patients on herceptin are on it because they've already beat their cancers. Dallas is apparently the exception - the herceptin is keeping his cancer in a holding pattern - it's still there but it hasn't moved around lately. As usual, my Big Guy put a positive spin on this - he says that the herceptin is just letting his immune system catch up before it kicks this thing in the butt!

Hope that all is well with you! More later...

Love, Patty

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Hi Everyone,

I just had to share this picture of my Big Guy in all his glory. Dallas and his buddy Brian went halibut fishing this week and each managed to catch a nice fish at the same time (would have been like another goat rodeo!).

Dallas has also developed another passion - gardening! He always loved to maintain a beautiful lawn but he's now enjoying transplanting shrubs and redesigning flower beds - something I never thought I'd see. It has been so much fun to watch him play in the dirt!

This week marked the two year anniversary of Dallas's surgery, which is quite a milestone in our books. For the last two autumns he was also going through those dreaded rounds of chemotherapy - thank goodness those are over. The herceptin continues to keep everything in check so we're counting on it to continue to do it's job. Life is good. More later...

Love, Patty

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Hi everyone Well we had an up and down last week. Every 3 months I need to get my heart checked as the herceptin can do damage. The test I had came back below normal so they stopped my herceptin until they could do a full echo cardiogram on my heart. We just got the results and my heart is in perfect shape, so herceptin continues this Thursday. I have started power walking again as my neck and face pain seems to be getting better. We have spent some time out on the boat lately and Heather caught a big ling cod. Thanks for being concerned. Dallas
PS - Patty is doing well too

Monday, June 28, 2010


Hi Everyone-
We've been back from our cruise for a few days now so I thought I would report in. Dallas and I had a wonderful time although I am afraid to step on the scale - I ate so much I thought Dallas would have to roll me off the ship! We enjoyed kicking around Ketchikan, Juneau and Skagway and ended up in Seward. Dallas would have loved spending a day in Seward because it was a very active fishing community - the Big Guy would have interviewed every boat coming and going if he could have. The scenery was magnificent through Glacier Bay and the College Fjord so we'll bore you senseless with our photos if you stop by the house!
One of the highlights of our trip was meeting some other Stobers from Charleston. We don't hear our surname that often and to meet potential relatives from the U.S. was interesting. Bob and Brenda have done more research on the clan so we're still having fun trying to connect the dots.
Now that we're back home we've been busy catching up with household chores and gardening jobs. Dallas is feeling well and his energy levels seem to be at an all time high - he constantly runs circles around me! Enjoy your summer! More later...
Patty & Dallas

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Hi Guys,

I can't believe it's almost been a month since my last update! Dallas has been out on the Cinnamon Girl a ton - no surprise there. I used to think that his passion for golf would never be surpassed but now it seems as though fishing has one that contest hands down! Last week he caught a 31 pound halibut by himself on the boat! For those of you who aren't familiar with the fight that these fish put up when you catch one picture this: GOAT RODEO! Especially since this halibut was an incidental catch - Dallas landed it while fishing with salmon gear. Anyway, he came back that afternoon smiling ear to ear and filled our freezer. The kids and I think we need to outfit him with a camera equipped helmet set up to film all of his lone escapades on the water!

In the last few weeks we enjoyed a quick visit with friends Mark and Kathy from Invermere as well as a weekend with friends Jim and Diane from Vancouver. While Jim and Diane were here we boated over for dinner to Genoa Bay - what a fabulous restaurant! And of course the highlight of our month was when our Jordan was home for a few days. It's always so wonderful when we have the chance to bring all our kids together! Our newlyweds are doing well and Marcus got to finally toss his glasses away because he had lasik surgery this month. We enjoyed Genoa Bay so much that we went over with the kids for dinner on Sunday - it's so great that this restaurant is less than a half hour cruise on the boat.

Dallas sailed through his treatment four weeks ago and we're off to the cancer clinic today for another one. Yesterday he had a great meeting with our favourite doctor who said that the Big Guy looked the best he'd ever seen him look. For the most part Dallas feels the best he's felt since his surgery - almost two years ago! He continues to amaze all of us and we are forever thankful that he's doing so well.

As for me, I've been a bit under the weather - I was laid up for over a week with a fever/flu. This old bod just doesn't bounce back the way it used to! Now that I'm on the mend I'm looking forward to our cruise. Dallas and I booked a one week cruise to Alaska and we leave on June 13th. I can hardly wait!!! I think the change of scenery will do both of us the world of good and I'm looking forward to a week of pampering. More later...



Saturday, May 1, 2010


Hi after sitting on the edge of our seats for a couple of weeks we received some VERY GOOD NEWS - Dallas's back pain doesn't indicate any change or advancement of the cancer! We spent most of our Monday at the hospital while the Big Guy was scanned and x-rayed from head to toe. Our friend Anne McGilvary was out for a visit and kept us company at the hospital - definitely lightening the stress of the day. When our doctor phoned yesterday to say that everything was normal we were so relieved - the cancer that is present in the bone is behaving itself and nothing needs to change in Dallas's treatment plan. Happy tears were definitely the order of the day - we are so very thankful.

We're counting down the days now until Jordan's visit next week. He'll be working in Calgary this summer and has landed a great job at the Alberta Treasury Branch. He received the job offer a couple of weeks ago and we couldn't be prouder of him. It will be great experience in the finance field and will also count toward the co-op job term portion of his degree. Jordan is in the process of moving out of Res at Mount Royal and into a house with a couple of buddies. Luckily for us, he'll have a bit of time in between to drive to the island for quick visit - yeah!

Dallas had fun out on the Cinnamon Girl this week - he continues to develop his "crabbing" skills and also brought home a 15 pound salmon. Today he's at the floating boat show with Steve and our newlyweds Marcus & Heather. He's always on the lookout for the Cinnamon Girl II - yikes! More later...



Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hi from the Sunny (finally!) coast!

Hi Guys,

I'm sorry that I haven't been "blogging" lately - we've been busy having fun but the Big Guy has also been having some issues with his back recently so I didn't want to comment on it - no news is good news, right? Well, apparently I'm wrong! Thanks for wanting to continue to hear the good, the bad and the uncertain! Don't get me wrong - for the most part Dallas has been doing super well but he's had some very bad back pain. We try to put it aside in our minds - just must be the usual aches and pains of mid-life. But of course every thing's different the minute when cancer enters your life.

Yesterday we met with our super Doctor - Peter Battershill. His is really like a super hero to us as far as this disease goes. He doesn't downplay symptoms or panic unnecessarily either. When Dallas described the sometimes debilitating pain that he's been experiencing, Peter interviewed him in the usual way - "Okay Dallas - how many fishing lines, prawn and crab traps have you been pulling up lately?" - Peter never jumps to conclusions so we don't either - he's a very calming influence. He takes a clinical approach to the situation - yes we'll run a bone scan and x-ray to be sure, but he also doesn't let us give up hope that this could just be age related back pain too. One way or the other we'll get to the bottom of it all and deal with it in the best way possible. We're both feeling pretty confident that Dallas is still going to be out fishing for a long time to come and this is just a little "glitch" in the big scheme of things. However, positive thoughts and prayers are always appreciated...

Thanks as always for your love and support - you continue to show us the way. I'm hoping that blogger has fixed their glitch and there won't be any more problems with you publishing your comments instantly. Please keep them coming...we love you all. More later....

Patty & the Big Guy

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


So this is how I know that we're winning this thing. Today Dallas has a double whammy of treatments - herceptin at the cancer clinic in the morning and his bone strengthening IV in the afternoon at another hospital. As soon as we get in the door the Big Guy races to change into his fishing clothes so that he can enjoy a few hours out on the boat. He's throwing the crab trap in as well as fishing for more salmon. The very best therapy for him is catching a few rays on the Cinnamon Girl!

We've had a busy time since the wedding. Our good friends the O'Leary's stayed on for a couple of weeks so we enjoyed another wonderful visit with them. They left this morning and coincidentally, so did Mom & Dad who are heading back to the valley. We hope that Gerry and Velma are able to sell their Invermere home soon so that we have the pleasure of their company here year round - we're really going to miss them!

We're crossing our fingers that the weather holds so that we can spend more days on the boat and plan more evening BBQ's on the water. Life is good. More later...

Love, Patty

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Best Day!

Our Marcus, married the wonderful Heather on Saturday, March 13th - life just doesn't get much better. Jordan was the best man, and toasted his older brother with style and grace. We couldn't be prouder of both boys (and of course our very special girl!). More later...

Love, Patty

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring Cleaning!!

Hi everyone! So yesterday was the annual spring cleaning for the Cinnamon Girl. After she had her mechanical tune up she was moved into the driveway so that the Captain could order his crew around. We were joined by Mom and Dad who helped us wash, scrub and polish every inch of the boat. The Big Guy was in fine form (I think in part because he was playing drill Sergeant!) and when the boat was relaunched last night she was sparkling. The weather continues to be just amazing here so this morning Dallas grabbed a quick breakfast and is now out on the boat fishing. We have a busy week next week and are so EXCITED about Marcus and Heather's wedding. As Dallas said last night, "if it wasn't for the cancer thing our life would would be just perfect, wouldn't it?" - more later....

Love, Patty

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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mowing the Lawn!

So the Big Guy was mowing the lawn yesterday and I took the opportunity to snap a picture of him to show you his new 'do (and of course he wanted to brag that he was actually mowing the lawn on February 16th)! As you can see he's looking great, always smiling and feeling good. Dallas has been catching salmon and enjoying lots of good times on the boat with his Dad. Tomorrow he has another herceptin treatment in the morning and I'm sure he'll want to get back out on the water by the afternoon!

More later...

Love, Patty

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Thursday, January 21, 2010


Hi there,

We haven't posted any updates lately because we've been busy enjoying the sunshine here on the coast. The weather has been great - we're even getting out in the garden (sorry - that was a dig for those of you living out there in the cold!) to begin our spring cleaning routine.

We escaped to Seattle for a few days and had some fun. Dallas followed me around while I shopped till I dropped - he's always such a good sport about that! I was on the search for a dress for the wedding and came back with two possibilities. The Big Guy said his contribution was to purchase a tie that matched my dress which he did in about five minutes flat (maybe he doesn't enjoy shopping as much as I do!).

Dallas has been fishing quite a bit and is having some luck in that department so he's a happy camper. He went out last week with Marcus and Gerry (he says there's nothing like fishing with three generations of Stober men on board and was wishing that Jordan was there too) and they all caught a salmon. Yesterday we were out enjoying the sunshine and he snagged another salmon so that was good. Today he's out again with Marcus and Gerry so here's hoping that they have good luck.

On the cancer front things are okay. I know that Dallas is having more aches and pains than normal but he rarely complains. He has another herceptin treatment next week so hopefully that will help the way it usually does. Despite his increased pain the Big Guy continues to amaze me. I rarely see him without a smile on his face and he has more energy I do. More later...



Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy 2K10!

Hi Everyone,

We hope that you enjoyed your holiday season as much as we did ours. We had a lot of fun with the kids, enjoyed meeting more of Heather's family members and spending quality time with friends. Jordan flies back to Calgary tonight so our home will be a lot quieter for awhile!

We have been anxiously awaiting the results of Dallas's latest CT scan. At the end of his last chemotherapy session before Christmas, he was really feeling ill (the first six sessions of herceptin were accompanied by a very strong chemotherapy to "kick start" the herceptin. The chemo is what causes the most side effects). Our doctors felt that a CT scan was in order so that we could all get a clearer picture of what was going on with the Big Guy. You may remember that Dallas's continuation on the herceptin is based upon whether or not he's improving or at least feeling well on the drug. The results are in today and the news is mostly good. Dallas isn't showing any new tumours in his neck area which is always the area of greatest concern. There are three very small nodules which have shown up on his lungs. These nodules may have been there before and were not picked up by previous CT 's or they could be brand new - either way they will be watched from now on. The cancer in Dallas's bones has also advanced, but at a slower rate.

All in all it was a good cancer day. Dallas's herceptin treatments will continue and we can't emphasize enough how wonderful this drug has been for us. Dallas hasn't felt this well since before his surgery. The movement in his neck continues to improve, his energy levels get better every day and the rosy colour is back in that smiling face of his. His hair is starting to grow back we hope he'll be sporting another new 'do in time for the wedding.

Thanks as always for your support on our journey. We don't know what we'd do without you! We'll look forward to seeing more of you this year. More later...

Patty & the Big Guy

PS - You may have noticed that our comment section on the blog has been getting "spammed" lately. While blogger tries to fix this glitch in their system there may be a delay in your comments appearing on the blog. Please keep them coming anyway - we love reading them!